October 7, 2019

Since I first heard about project management, which was over a couple of decades ago, I know of organizations establishing project, program and portfolio offices to support their change initiatives in various ways. Many times, these functions were very bureaucratic and therefore seem by both project teams and project stakeholders just as a hurdle to

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October 22, 2017

Governance is a buzzword that naturally sounds like something pretty relevant, maybe because it reminds us of government or of the verb to govern. However, many people would find it difficult to explain what governance is in practical terms. On an organisational level, most of us may see governance as a board of directors making

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May 18, 2017

Whenever we talk about benefits realization, we start from the idea that (we) project managers are always managing part of an organizational change. Such changes are expected to enable our organization to achieve at least a business objective that generates value. This whole process of getting from the current situation to the future improved or

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October 14, 2016

My book has finally been released. That is quite exciting! Benefits Realization Management: Strategic Value from Portfolios, Programs, and Projects is the result of around five years of work. It started as part of my award winning research on the subject at the University of Warwick. After the conclusion of my research, it has gradually

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July 17, 2016

Introduction – context for benefits realisation Over the last few decades, organisations have gradually developed a general understanding that all projects are investments (mainly in organisational change) and consequently the potential realisation of expected/desired benefits have been increasingly recognised as the main driver for organisations in making their investment decisions. Therefore, from an investment perspective,

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